Elite Caravans

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Innovation Is The Key To Best Design - The Stealth Is A One-Of-A-Kind

April 13th, 2017

Elite Caravans Stealth pic 1At our SECRET research and development (R&D) location, we spend many hours, across numerous days, spanning into abounding months, testing new technologies which will make your caravanning experience a memorable one, for all the right reasons.

This is why Elite Caravans is Australia's leading caravan manufacturer. We bring you the best caravans available, because we take the time to perform the research and employ what we have learned to develop caravans that tackle the great Australian outback, in comfort and style.

With it's camouflage exterior and huge GPS-guided solar panel atop, the Stealth really fits the part. At times, looking more like a secret agent's laire, one may find themselves expecting a cone-of-silence to be lowered from the ceiling or hearing a message, when you switch on the TV, stating that it will self-destruct in five seconds. All this may sound fanciful, but in reality, the innovations developed and tested in this caravan are what we incorporate into our models to make them the first-choice for caravan buyers looking to purchase the best caravans on the market.

Elite Caravans Stealth pic 2We have used the Stealth R&D van to test new products on the market which we think will add to our already fantastic caravans, because we like to make sure that these products are right for us and you. From long-range power supply technologies to furniture and fittings - we test them all. We also develop technologies of our own which we believe will enhance your caravanning adventures and add to the pleasure of owning a caravan. We test these vigorously to ensure that they perform as planned and to make certain that they meet, or surpass expectations.

Most of the products and technologies we put through their paces in our Stealth van pass our most stringent of tests. However, there are some that do not perform as expected, nor do they function as explained by their respective manufacturers. Luckily for our caravan owners, we don't take manufacturer's product descriptions as verbatim. If we did, we would be building caravans of a lesser quality than we want to supply to the industry and ultimately, to our customers.

Elite Caravans Stealth pic 3So, that's a quick glimpse of our Stealth caravan - the R&D caravan built to make certain we build the best caravans available. We hope that you have enjoyed this sneak-peek into the way we produce our caravans. More often than not, all the efforts we make to bring you a GREAT caravan are not apparent just by viewing our range. It's when you take our caravans on the road and off the beaten track that all our hard work is most evident.

Happy caravanning, from the R&D team at Elite.

  • 2015 Caravan Manufacturer of the Year
  • Featured on TV Show Reno Rumble
  • 2013 Caravan Manufacturer of the Year
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